Beatty Museum and Historical Society
Amended By-Laws - February 2012 - Charter Date August 1995
Amended By-Laws - February 2012 - Charter Date August 1995
Article 1
Name and Office
Name and Office
Section 1: The name will be Beatty Museum and Historical Society hereafter known as BMHS informally; and Beatty Museum & Historical Society formally.
Section 2: The principal offices or place of business of this non-profit corporation is located at 417 West Main Street, Beatty, Nevada. The mailing address is P.O. Box 244, Beatty, Nevada, 89003.
Section 3: The BMHS is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes, more specifically to:
A: Preserve in any form the heritage of Beatty, Nevada; the Bullfrog Mining District; the surrounding mining camps of Nye County; and any items of historical significance.
B: Acquire, maintain, own, use for display and demonstrative purpose, any object reflecting the heritage specifically of the Bullfrog Mining District, and surrounding general areas of Nye County and the State of Nevada.
Section 4: This corporation shall have all the powers and authority which are established under the tax exempt status, Section 501c:3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Article 2
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Section 1: The Board of Directors will be chosen from its membership. The board will consist of five (5) board members. These five (5) members will carry out the business of the museum.(NRS82.196).
Section 2: The board will have two (2) four year terms The board will have three (3) two year terms.
Section 3: Those interested in the Board of Directors will be nominated at the January meeting. Ballots will be sent to all members in good standing. Voting results will be announced at the March meeting. (This is in alignment with anniversary of BMHS Internal Revenue Code 501c:3 corporation.) Year terms will run from March to February.
Section 4: The elected board's function is to manage and implement policies and procedures to maintain and run the museum efficiently.
Section 5: Vacancies may be filled by appointment. Interim appointments are by full board approval and effective only until the next election. (NRS 82.296:5).
Section 6: No board member may be a paid employee of the Beatty Museum and Historical Society.
Section 7: There will be one (1) internal audit per-year, by three-member committee appointed and approved by the board.
Section 8: The membership has the right to remove any officer at any time upon proof of malfeasance of office.
Article 3
Section 1: Members are accepted without regard to color, national origin, race, gender, or any other non-merit factor. United States citizenship shall not be a requirement for membership.
Section 2: The Board of Directors may establish honorary membership in appreciation for various volunteer efforts or contributions made.
Section 3: Membership dues are payable in advance. A statement will be sent and are due upon receipt. If at the end of thirty days, following the expiration, a member is delinquent, their membership will be forfeited.
Article 4
Section 1: The Board of Directors will meet a minimum of twelve (12) times per Year per our 501c3 requirements. This meeting will be held at a place designated by the Board of Directors. The time and location will be made known to the general public in accordance with the open meeting laws.
Section 2: The Chair may call special meetings of the Board of Directors and must call a special meeting upon a written request to do so; issued by a majority of the board members in office. All Board of Director Members must be informed of any and all special meetings. Members and the general public are encouraged to attend regular and special Board of Director meetings.
Section 3: A quorum can consent to actions taken by telephone, e-mail or similar communication methods. (NRS 82.271)
Article 5
Tax-Exempt Responsibilities
Tax-Exempt Responsibilities
Section 1: No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall be used for private benefit of its member, directors, officers, or private individual, except that the corporation shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the exempt purpose for which it was formed.
Section 2: Notwithstanding, any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt of Federal Income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 3: The Beatty Museum and Historical Society will follow the federal and state regulations for 501(c ) (3); such as hosting at least but not limited to three (3)educational presentations per year.
Section 4: The board will be responsible for reviewing the charter and by-laws yearly to maintain their effectiveness and keep them up to date with the Secretary of State as well as the Internal Revenue Service. All reviews of the by-laws or charter will be maintained with the full board's written approval and will be reported to the appropriate agencies in order to keep the museum's business license and non-profit status. Any changes to the charter or by-laws will be sent out to the membership to be voted on before they can be implemented.
Section 5: The corporation will not allow propaganda or solicitors on the museum property. The corporation will not participate in or intervene in any political campaign or on behalf of any candidate, or attempt to influence legislation.
Article 6
Section 1: Upon the dissolution of this corporation; after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the corporation, and returning all items on loan to the owner, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a non-profit fund, foundation, or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable or education purposes and has also established its own tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.